KathyHurley@boisestate.edu • (208) 426-1271 • Mail Stop: 1610
Office Number:Â MBEB 3121
Kathy is a lecturer in accountancy in the College of Business and Economics at Boise State University. She teaches managerial accounting and tax at the undergraduate level, along with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) tax class. Kathy is the Beta Alpha Psi advisor. Kathy is currently working on her Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration with a focus on family and childcare tax policies.
Kathy’s professional experience includes banking, cost accounting, managing a small company, and administering a recreational soccer program. Kathy’s passion for giving back to the community is reflected in her years of volunteer work for the Boise Public School District, the Idaho State Department of Education, Komen Race for the Cure, and a number of other small nonprofits. Kathy is currently the treasurer for Idaho Rush/CYSA.
After living in many of the western states, Australia, and Germany, Kathy and her husband settled in Boise in the late 1980s. In her free time, Kathy and her family enjoy running and walking in Boise’s foothills, hiking and backpacking in Idaho’s great outdoors, skiing in the winter, and water sports in the summer.
B.A., Economics, Claremont Men’s (McKenna) College
BBA, Accountancy, Boise State University
MSAT, Boise State University
Ph.D. Candidate, Public Policy and Administration, Boise State University
Teaching Areas
Managerial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Taxation, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Featured Publications
Cowan, M.J. and Hurley, K. (2018). A Tale of Two EMBAs, Tax Notes  (Dec. 17, 2018).
Cowan, M.J. and Hurley, K.E. (2015). Receding Water’s Edge: State Efforts to Tax Corporations’
Foreign Tax Haven Income, 78 State Tax Notes 403 (Nov. 2, 2015).
Hurley, K., Louis, M., and Solan, D. (2010).  Energy Efficiency Financing Mechanisms, Energy Policy Institute, Boise.
COBEAC Service Award 2018
Eide Bailly, LLP, Outstanding Faculty Service Award 2017
Boise State University, Student Choice Outstanding Faculty Member 2017
Association of Fundraising Professionals Honor Roll 2011
Outstanding Graduate Student MSAT 2010
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance at the Boise Public Library, IRC, and Boise School District sites
Treasurer/Board Member, Idaho Rush/CYSA
Advisor – Beta Alpha Psi